Monthly Archives: June 2016

Scared, Part 2

Is still so very, very worried and fearful that the police are going to take the speed trailer away from me this week.
I really hope they’ve realized that i have not had to call or email them ever since they came to turn the speed trailer on on June 2nd for me. I hope they get to read the letter the psychiatric nurse i saw this past Thursday, is writing to them. I hope one of my friends can help me start a petition to send to the police about this.
I don’t want to have to live on this street anymore, without a working speed trailer here on my side of the street where i can easily see it and monitor it from my house. Because without the speed trailer, my street is wild and i feel unsafe here. Greatly unsafe. The speed trailer makes me feel a sense of security i have never felt ever since i moved here 25 years ago.
Having the speed trailer has meant me being able to actually get outside alot to watch it and take pictures of it, which has resulted in me getting to say hi everyday to some of the business neighbors to my east who i thought didn’t like me…..and finding out that they are friendly…..that they do like me and that they do understand my need to watch the speed trailer working.
One of my favorite servers at a local restaurant who i am friends with here on Facebook, has even seen all of my posts about the speed trailer, and she even agrees it has helped me, and saw how much of a wreck i was when they took the other one away from me on April 25th and left me with no speed trailer at all for one whole month, then put this one here, and did not turn it on till a week after it had been here.
I am praying so hard. My mom is even saying a continuous novena for me that the police will keep a working speed trailer here from now on, till i am able to move from here.
I AM going to try to find some way i can move from here. Hopefully i can be out of here by the first part of 2017, or earlier, if a miracle happens that will open those doors for me.
Below, is another picture of the speed trailer. It really has become a good imaginary friend to me that i feel i greatly need at this time of my life. I hope the police will please understand this and let me keep this one, which is an RU2 Systems Fast 870 speed trailer, or the Wanco speed trailer, either one is fine with me.


I have been really blessed to have a nice working speed radar trailer here, which has been here for over three weeks now. But now that it will be week four, will the police take it from me this week and leave me here with nothing once again? This really is worrying me. It is worrying me greatly.
I so dread going back to the wild street and me having those awful meltdowns that i was having again. And being without my friend again. I don’t know if i will be able to handle this this time.
037I pray it doesn’t happen. I pray they let me have either this or the Wanco one, and that they keep switching between the two, for the sake of my health and sense of safety. Till i am able to move from here.

Update On My Situation

I just realized it’s been a month since i last blogged. I have been enjoying being able to have a new speed radar trailer on my street for the past month. After making two frantic tearful phone calls to two police sergeants, they finally came and turned the speed trailer they had placed on my street on May 25th, on—on June 2nd is when they turned it on—–8 days after they had placed it here.

To be honest, i actually love this new speed trailer a lot more than i did the Wanco one i had had before. This new speed trailer is an RU2 Systems Fast 870, and it actually looks and works even better than the Wanco did. The same imaginary friend that i had made up for the Wanco one, is my friend in this speed trailer also. I feel safer here again.

I realize this is just s temporary fix for my overall situation though. I still badly need to move, and i very much want to move to either the
San Francisco Bay area,
the Pacific Northwest,
New York City,
New York State,
Long Island NY,
or the New England areas.
Because many of my Facebook Autistic Community friends live in these areas, and i know in my heart of hearts that i would have a much better chance of meeting even more cool people,
of being actually able to get out of my house to go places and do things,
and i would have a better chance at getting help for my legs,
and many other vital services i have not been able to get living on the Central CA Coast.

Most importantly, i know i would not suffer from the deep aloneness and loneliness that i suffer from here whenever my caregiver/friend Connie isn’t here to help me. Most of my family literally shun and ignore me like i just don’t exist to them. Here, i am disconnected from people, and my community. Even though i was born and raised here.

I need a way out. or i am going to perish. A human being was not made to be alone and isolated from life…..and i am, all of that…..and being so hurts me so very deeply like no one can know or realize.

I live in daily fear that this new speed trailer will also be taken away, and then my street will be back to wild loud fast screaming noise again, and me having constant meltdowns from the time i wake up to the time night falls…..and me losing my imaginary friend yet again.

It should not have to be this way. For any of us.

I am calling for police departments to start listening to us Autistics, to learn about us, to understand us, and our plights and needs, and to accomodate us where we are at in life.

I am calling for all people to listen to us, learn about us, and understand us.

We are human beings. Please stop ignoring us and turning us way. Please stop ignoring me and turning me away.

(Below is an up close picture i took of the new speed trailer. My coping mechanism for a life that has truthfully, become unbearable. This speed trailer makes me feel safer again while having to live in this awful neighborhood.)

Image description: Below picture is of a street at sunset, looking East, with tall metal building, trucks, cars, trees, a light pole, and the speed radar trailer is at the center of this picture. The speed trailer frame is white, with a “Your Speed sign on top of a white framed electronic black message board, with the number 23 on it, as i took this picture as a driver was passing by. Below the electronic sign, is a white metal speed sign that says “Speed Limit 25 MPH. Below that is a large white metal box mounted on a small painted white trailer frame, on two tires. These trailers are designed to be towed anywhere where they are needed to calm traffic in problem areas. My street is a problem area.078

Today Was One Of The Worst Days For Me

The following is taken from an eariler post that i posted on my wall today, plus some things a new friend and ally who i am growing to really love, as she really gets what i am going through, wrote to me today, articulating and validating my feelings my feelings.

I have been a wreck since the police came and took the Wanco speed trailer off of my street, as many of you know. The police are now totally ignoring my emails and phone calls that i make to them pleading for their mercy and continued help, and to have the Wanco radar trailer placed back on my street.

I am now in the process of creating a GoFundMe with both short term and long term goals—-and am creating it with the hopes that the end result will be my getting moved to a quiet location where i can finally have my peace and my sense of safety and sanctuary back.

My post……with explanations added for clarity…..

Weds., June 1, 2016 at 8:18 PM

“I have been having the evening from hell so far. It is just now calming down.

The street has been loud and fast freeway style driving in a 25 MPH zone all day today and this evening. I have had multiple meltdowns over just that alone.

(And even more meltdowns over my next door neighbor’s inconsiderate daughter’s actions, and the car club.)

The car club is here now too. They announced their presence with their loud God-awful vibrating thunder bass….that brought about more meltdowns.

Then my neighbor’s daughter decided to start her truck up and sit in it, letting it idle so long that my house was filled with the exhaust fumes, and making me cough. More meltdowns.

(The loud bass, followed by the neighbor’s daughter’s toxic truck fumes, made me really scream in agony!!)

The speed radar trailer they put here 7 days ago, has never been turned on, and still has not been turned on as of now. I have gone downhill mentally and physically ever since the police’s traffic sergeant ordered the Wanco yanked from my street on April 26th. I feel it not only calmed the traffic down, but it became a friend to me in that i actually for the first time, felt safe enough to start venturing out of my house to sit in a chair on my front lawn to watch it flash and blink. it gave me a sense of comfort that no NT can understand.

Now the cops are totally ignoring me. And i am continuing to suffer each day. I have gone back to dreading having to wake up from sleeping……this can’t go on. I can’t go on like this. I want out of this whole town because i do not feel like i am welcome here.

I am in sheer agony still tonight. I badly need a way OUT!!!!!!!!”

My friend’s messages to me:

“Hey Melissa! First– I want to say, we *need* to get you out of there. I’m willing to help you get a GoFundMe going and have you okay whatever is said in the description before it goes up. I think we need to think in terms of your short-term survival, and long-term. In the short term, we should raise funds to get speed bumps put in place. If anyone speeds through your neighborhood at that point, they do so at their own peril. They will be in for a nasty shock, and if they know what’s good for them, they’ll quit speeding ASAP.

Then– we need to get you a housing/moving/basic care fund going. You and I can discuss where, if anywhere, you’d feel more comfortable moving away to.”

To which i replied that i felt the Wanco speed trailer would be much better than speed bumps, because it has a giant electronic sign with big bright bold amber colored fonts, and that i needed the Wanco back on my street, both for my peace of mind and to calm down the traffic, because it worked really well when it was here!!

She wrote back:

“I think you and I both know this current speeding/neighbor/living situation is destroying your physical and mental well being.

And you’ve endured all of that for far too long.

It is not humane for you to have to live in these conditions.”

She also wrote:

“We could try to raise money to have two permanent Wanco speed trailers on your street. (One on each side) I don’t think that’s too much to ask. All the cops have to do is set (them) up, acknowledge it’s your private property, and leave them be”

She went onto say this, and this is the God’s honest truth:

“I just want to say– the empath in me hurts for you intensely. I see you posting so much about how much you’re suffering, every day, multiple times a day, because of the horrible speeding issues on your street……I relate a great deal to how you’re trying to cope with a (screwed) up world. You do (what other Autistics with PTSD and who have been bullied so much) often do– fixate on something. In your case, it’s the Wanco speed radar. Your logic makes a lot of sense on that, actually. You had that speed trailer there, and finally felt you had some control in your life over a daily, painful issue– speeders with their loud, obnoxious hot rods.

And (when you had the Wanco speed trailer there) you felt safe enough after years of isolation to go out your front door– and breathe actual fresh air. And I’d call anything/anyone who gave me that much peace of mind a friend, too.

You also have your a****** neighbors who f****** traumatized you to the point you were terrified to leave your house alone. That’s completely f****** unfair to you– and horrendously abusive of them.

So, there’s all these elements at play, all different flavors of anxiety and depression. And your physical and mental well being are the price for your a-hole neighbors and inconsiderate drivers.

If I were in your shoes? I’d want to flee. Get out. But you don’t have the financial privilege to flee. So that’s where the GoFundMe comes in. We’re bailing you out. You’ve endured that bullshit way too long.”

She also said:

“And I also think you and I know exactly what the police department is thinking with all of this. They’re thinking with their NT brains, and also thinking about all the other police work they have to do. They’re like “maybe she’ll stop calling if we just leave this speed trailer here.” They got exactly half of that equation right– maybe less. They gave you a speed trailer– but didn’t turn it on.

That’s why (having the Wanco there, and turned ON, working properly) made you feel calm. Because people drive by, see how fast they’re driving, and slow down.”

(My words…how can they obey a speed radar trailer that is just a blank black screen, that is not turned on?)

Back to my friend’s words:

“And of course, one part of the equation they’ve majorly (screwed) up is in being empathetic to your issues.

Because, they’re ignoring you.

And that’s not easing your mind.”

No, it is not easing my mind. It is making me feel all alone and isolated again, and like i am being forced to endure more suffering because the police somehow feel i “choose” to live in this cess pool.
Little do they know that being i have been on Section 8 and Social security all of my adult life unable to work to become self-supporting, to be able to realize ever, my lifelong dreams and goals, that i have been stuck having to live here due to no way out….and when is this hell and torment ever going to end for me? 

I can only hope that someone with legal expertise can see my plight…..and that the police are denying me their services, because they seem to think i am just a nuisance…..and help me to get the help i need, then i can get the money to finally be able to move out of here.